Last year I started creating a fairly large game in Rust. My background is in mostly python devops and so nearly every part of it needs careful planning. The parts that weren’t nearly all needed rewriting. I’m learning common game dev patterns as well as nuances in Rust and I want to document it. It’s not open source at the moment. Why Rust? One word, Elegance. There is no garbage collection in Rust, but you can still work with the heap in a safe way.
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I’ve more than doubled my productivity recently, without giving anything up. I’m working a few projects at the moment, both at work and at home. I’ll keep hush on the many work things. At home I’m working on a small game, using bevy in the rust language. I’m trying to write some here. There is also fitness, music practice and house projects. However the most important thing in my life is supporting and spending time with my heavily pregnant partner.
Read More…The colophon is a fancy way of saying, this is who I am and this is what I’m publishing on. I wanted to write some stuff. And I want to do it easily. So naturally, I needed a blog. But I’m quite picky I’m keen to keep it free. If I have to pay even a tiny amount, then its likely per GB or request. That means I should probably have a CDN in front.
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